
Product Details

General Information:

* To receive a reading you must be over 18 years old.

* Readings can provide guidance but ultimately, its up to each one of us to decide what to do next in any situation.

* Penelope Chic NZ is not responsible for any actions taken by the

customer following their reading.

* Your reading and information discussed during the reading will be

kept in the strictest confidence.

* Penelope Chic NZ reserves the right to refuse this

service -the intention of providing readings is to help people to decide on the path ahead. Readings sought with negative intent or

personal gain ar someone else's expense ( for example) will not be provided.

* Although readings are often associated specifically with clairvoyance or psychic abilities in mind, this not the intent with these readings. They are provided intuitively, with the

intention that a conversation takes place or a specific message comes through to help the

querent think through the situation and decide on the best path to take.

Online Readings:

* For bookings- once payment has been made and received your reading will be sent via email.

* IMPORTANT - Please make sure to check your span folders etc so you

don't miss any email correspondence from me

( it will always be sent from pcarnaby@gmail.com)

* Readings will email within 48 hours after payment has been made.( unless otherwise negotiations or requested)


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